Are you tired of sit the hungry and diets that do not give a result? Solution of problems — a healthy diet to lose weight and preserve harmony. Good recommendations weight reduction without dietary restrictions.

Any person with excess weight, at least once in his life sought the help of diets. As the promise of several authors of these recommendations, for the short-term, limited to certain product, you can easily get rid of body fat in places very quickly. Most of these systems reduce the weight of the frank quackery, and lose weight with the help of them, it is unlikely, and those that work, in practice, turn out to be harmful for the health.
The effect of this weight loss in the short term, at the end of the term, the dropped pounds come back with a vengeance. And well if you don't join in with a bouquet of diseases, gently moving in the chronicles. You need to understand that any diet is that work goods, must be sold. To the authors, these techniques deeply spit on the end result and your health. The warranty can only give the right food for weight loss and maintenance of good form.
Choose useful products
The system of proper nutrition is not a diet, so menu weight loss includes protein, carbohydrates and fats in required quantities. Special restrictions also not presumed, but as it comes to healthy eating, objectively harmful products we have to exclude or limit greatly.
Unwanted include:
- Smoked, fish and meat specialities;
- Canned products, including vegetables;
- Fat meat (pork, lamb);
- Ready for semi-finished products;
- Salt, nuts, and potato chips;
- Parts purchased sauces (mayonnaise, ketchup, and others);
- Dishes fried;
- Cakes;
- Crab sticks;
- Confectionery products;
- Packaged juices;
- Ready for desserts.
It is not recommended to eat all food of fast preparation. To them applies even to oat porridge in a tea bag.
Excess salt, sweeteners, colorants, flavouring agents is not going to benefit your health. From the purchase of chicken grilled, also it is better to fold, because it cooked so the bird literally drenched, harmful fats.
The amount of meat different nutritional products: sausage, ham, sausages, sausages, the better to minimize. They contain a huge amount of "chemical", and the fat. In addition, most manufacturers add to their products are no longer useful to the fillers.
Therefore, it is impossible to determine what you actually eat as food. In addition, in sausages and sausages too much salt even when the need arose to eat a piece of "post-doctoral", better that she to the boil.
Fruits and vegetables should be on the daily menu right. Contained in them are in dietary fibers, vitamins and minerals provide the body with all that is necessary. The most useful ones are considered seasonal, fruits and vegetables that grow in your locality.
From the point of view of use, apple branches with a much better exotic mango or a banana, carrot or beet is preferable to avocado. Healthy diet should contain a minimum of 300 grams of vegetables and as much unsweetened fruit.
Whole grains, vegetables contain, besides starch and fiber, important minerals, such as iron, magnesium, folic acid, selenium, potassium. In its composition it is composed of vitamins, favourably affect the immune system and the nervous system. Products that have undergone minimal processing, such as rice powder or the wheat bread is much more useful of their "companions".
The simple carbohydrates, which refers to the sugar and the honey, and the best, there are in limited quantities, as special, for the use of the body to them. For the same reason, it's not worth abusing and dried fruit. Unlike fresh fruits, they contain a large amount of fructose. Therefore, to eat his best for the unit as a light snack.
Where to look for useful fats, proteins and carbohydrates?
There are three types of carbohydrates: sugars, cellulose, starch. The first include fructose, lactose and sucrose. They exist in dairy products, vegetables, fruits.
Starch — complex or slow digestible carbohydrates, the sources of which are the cereals, legumes, cereals and vegetables. Fiber refers to the category of bad carbs. It is necessary for the proper functioning of the digestive system. There is in vegetables, fruits, nuts, cereals.

The simple carbohydrates, or sugar in fast fission by the body, increasing the level of glucose in the blood. They give a burst of energy, so they are indispensable to serious physical or mental loads. However, after the rise must recession. The level of sugar decreases, occurs the feeling of hunger and, as a result, the person eating too much.
The excess of simple carbohydrates is delayed in fat. Healthy the proper nutrition involves the consumption of adequate amounts of carbohydrates, and a normal person has from 150 to 400 units.
Useful sources of carbohydrates are:
- Cereals (wheat, corn, and rice);
- The pasta of durum wheat;
- Vegetables, including potatoes;
- Soy, peas, beans;
- Fruits and berries;
- Gourds.
Fat is an important component of a balanced menu. They provide, not only the beauty of the skin, hair and nails, but the health of our cardiovascular system. Contain healthy fats in olive oil, nuts, olives, sunflower seeds.
So the source of the polyunsaturated fatty acids are some of the varieties of fish (mackerel, salmon, herring, tuna). Sufficient correct amount of fats in the slimming diet is for the prevention of heart attacks, atherosclerosis, and even tumors.
Days the rate of consumption of foods that contain fats:
- Seeds, nuts — 30 g;
- Vegetable oil — 2 h. l;
- Fat fish — 150 g (2 times per week);
- Flax seeds — 2 h. l;
- Olives or olives — 5 pieces;
Last consumed should not be often. For us, these fruits arrive in canned form, therefore, contain large amount of salt. We should not forget that the food that burn fat are very rich in calories, therefore, absorb them uncontrollably, it will not work. Proper nutrition involves the use of up to 30 g of fat per day.
The protein
Protein — the basic material for the construction of muscles, nerve fibers. He is actively involved in the process of metabolism. Without amino acids in nutrition, the provider, and that serves of protein, the process of healthy weight loss possible. And the case here is not only cosmetic problems, despite of wrinkles and skin stained, very little to those who please. However, the excess protein will not help. The right amount of protein is calculated by multiplying the body weight in a coefficient of 0.5. When someone looses the calculation produce, coming from the desired weight.
Sources full easy digestion of protein are:
- White meat (chicken, turkey, rabbit);
- Offal (tongue, liver, lung);
- Fish lean varieties;
- Chicken eggs and quail;
- Curds and cheese;
- The cream 10% fat;
- Milk, kefir, ryazhenka;
- The beans and the soy, mushrooms.
Nutritionists recommend to be healthy slimming diet, the basis of the following ratios: 50% carbs, 30% protein, 20% fats.
Tip: a Glass of warm water with lemon juice, drunk before breakfast — a great way to start the metabolic processes of the organism.
What is the role played by vitamins in the weight loss process?
The interruptions in the gastrointestinal, make the absorbed food is poorly digested and partially delayed in the deposit of fat. Vitamins regulate the functioning of digestive enzymes, thus avoiding undesirable processes. The lack of the substances that the body responds to the sensation of hunger.
The ascorbic acid and the b complex vitamins are involved in the reactions of metabolism. When the deficit of the process of utilization of body fat for energy production is stopped. The man becomes listless, lethargic, there is a weakness, and confusion. The lack of these vitamins in food leads to reduced immunity. The ascorbic acid found in vegetables, fruits and vegetables, therefore, has problems with his lack of you lose weight not occurs. But here are the b complex vitamins are in deficit, since many people, taking care of weight, disclaim the bread, and yeast.
Tocopherol (vitamin E) is particularly important for the fair sex, because he is involved in the production of the female hormone estrogen. Its lack causes the failure of the hormonal system and, as a consequence, a set of weight. In addition, the vitamin E being a natural antioxidant, is responsible for the beauty, longevity, the youth of the skin.
Vitamins a, E and D in the complex help the body to absorb minerals beneficial, which, in turn, regulate the work of the pancreas. For example, the zinc reduces the appetite, chromium beats the desire for sweets, manganese cleans the intestines of waste generated. During the weight loss, this process is particularly active.

Calcium is responsible for the fortress muscle and bone, and thus contributes to the efficient processing of lipids. The magnesium stimulates the work of all muscles, including the heart.
Lack in the diet of one or more components, not only leads to problems, but the most severe losses. The regular intake of quality vitamin complexes, which contain everything that is necessary, not only will it help to achieve the desired harmony, but maintain the beauty and health.
The menu builder for weight reduction
Healthy and correct slimming diet, it is not difficult if you approach the process reasonable. To the products always at hand, you need to plan the menu for the week and buy everything you need. The danger of" remove from the fridge, to avoid excessive temptations.
As we have already said, a good nutrition is not limited to rigid frameworks. Therefore, to include here a list of dishes, respectively, from week to week, we will become, but we'll only show the possible options, from which you will form weekly menu for weight loss.
The breakfast should be made up of products of protein and slowly absorbed carbohydrates dishes.
Our task is to stir up the metabolic processes, to load the body vitality and to maintain the feeling of satiety until lunch time.
Useful options for breakfast:
- The steam from the omelet and vegetable cutting;
- The pasta of durum wheat with cheese (100 g, 30 g);
- Curd with berries and a spoon of honey;
- Two boiled eggs with lemon salad;
- Oatmeal and a fruit salad (kiwi, apple, pear, tangerine and a little maple syrup);
- Cauliflower cooked in egg;
- The pita chicken breast (50 gr.), carmen, salad and mayonnaise homemade.
The drink of choice for your taste, the one to which they are accustomed: coffee, tea, fruit juice without sugar, vegetable juices, milk.
The breakfast, according to nutritionists, must, necessarily, include the soup, the full main course and even dessert. And
sweet should be consumed immediately after a meal, the blood sugar level was stable.
The potatoes in the first dish it is better not to put. Prepares the soup in beef, chicken or fish broth. To cook the excess fat are removed, if there is need. The meat or the fish of the broth is well suited for the place of dishes.
You can apply for lunch:
- Soup meat, corn beef stew, rice, vegetable salad. For dessert, 1 friend candy;
- Soup with meatballs chicken and noodles, Greek salad, half a grapefruit with cinnamon;
- Ear in Finnish, the fish with a garnish of boiled potatoes and slices of cut vegetables (cucumber, tomato, peppers), kiwi 1 customers;
- Mushroom pasta, chicken breast, structurehkowa beans with tomato sauce, half marshmallow;
- Borsch vegetarian, meatballs, chicken with pasta, salad of radish and green onion, grape, ½ cup;
- Soup of mashed peas, no potatoes, beef Stroganoff with buckwheat, salad plate with tomato sauce cherie, half of a pear;
- The vegetable soup, baked beans structurehkowa, the rice, place your meatballs chicken (100 g) of steam.
Options of meal mass, here are just a few examples of how the illustration of an owner of a healthy menu. It is not necessary to absorb all of the dishes, it is best to divide lunch into two meals. The soup you can eat for lunch, and the second, and dessert after 3.5 hours. Before dinner, easy to get to, without hunger stomach spasms.
At night, the body does not need energy from carbohydrates, but the processes of "construction" of cells occur only during sleep. Therefore,
who adheres to the system of proper nutrition, it is advisable to drink at dinner protein food.
To be successful in assimilation need of the same in any way the amount of fiber. Therefore, the ideal dinner to have a slim body this vegetables, vegetable, and protein dish (meat, fish, cottage cheese).
Options for dinner:
- Chicken breast, and simmered kale;
- Baked fish with tomato, onion and herbs;
- Cooked hake, Polish with a plate of beans;
- Cottage cheese (150 gr.) with green and cucumber;
- Fish soup with vegetables (without potatoes);
- Cooked rabbit with tomato salad;
- Fish or chicken cakes to pair with a dish of asparagus;
- Chop turkey, grilled beef, cucumber salad and vegetation.
Snacks 2 times a day: fruits not more than 150 gr, a handful of almonds (5-7 pieces), natural yoghurt, fruit. Each purchase of food, add 3 pieces of whole wheat bread, the weight of 40 g each. 30 minutes before bedtime can drink a glass of yogurt.

To determine the best ratio of products that are consumed during lunch or dinner, the Finnish nutritionists have invented a simple way and it is called "model plate." Proper nutrition is the following. Mentally, divide your dish into two parts: one half will occupy vegetables (raw, cooked, or baked), and the second will be about equally protein and carbs, or is, a meat or fish dish (pasta, cereals).
Tip: avoid food relapse allows for simple reception. Periodic "day of gluttony", eating welcome to the products. Of course, eating a box of chocolates or a cake full not worth, but to exceed the rate of 500 to 600 kcal quite acceptable.